Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grishma Ritu – Summer

The two twine and twist like serpents
In the maternal shade of the Tamarind
On the forest of his chest drop pearls of sweat
From the twin moons of her breasts.

Unmindful of the fiery stare of the sungod
The naked boy washes his sleepy buffalo
In the dazzling sequins of the boiling river
Humming the cooling song of his cradle.

In the sultry shadows of the courtyard
Sits the plotter playing a solitary game
Of chess as is his wont; cursed to live
In doubt, and be doubted by all.

The maidens of the inner chambers cavort
In the cooling fountains of the marble pool
Palace intrigues assume no importance
Before sandalwood scents and rosewater.

The snake slips into the shadows
Vigilant eyes on her fearsome foes
The mongoose that prowls the walls
And watchful peafowls in the grass.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Poetry part of this graphic novel

Scions of the Cursed King, as mentioned earlier, is a graphic novel divided into six chapters, each for an Indian season of the year.

Ashok Rajagopalan, my partner and co-writer, felt we needed a title-page kind of break for each chapter, and not wishing to waste so much paper by having just the title and a graphic on each, Ashok offered to wax lyrical, in glory of the season covered.

The following meant for the first chapter, contains no spoilers but introduces the themes and the ambiance of the story.