Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tarika's snake amulet

Feeding milk to serpents only increases their venom.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lending a hand to the Prince

Dayaswarup - The Senathipathi - Commander-in-chief

Kusthi - The wrestling style from India

Prince Agnimata, the fourth son of King Veerendra, indulges in flexing his muscles. But who dares to punch him?

Summer comes an end

Haunted by a curse, and tainted by blood - Scions of the cursed King - The first issue 'Grishma-The Summer' comes to a finish.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Throne comes with the fangs of curse

Ladders to the throne; Snakes to their deaths

Prince Advan in animated conversation with his father Praneshwara

Hamsa and the bath tub

Princess Athmika taking her ablution

In the light of darkness

Prince Praneshwara with his son Advan and his henchman Ugra

Advan: Bhuvendra takes his own life, and my grandfather, King Veerendra, blames it on some curse? Praneshwara: Don't be so bold as to deny such a curse.

The drunkard Prince

Minister Gyanasagara: You cool yourself in wine and women while your brother burns?

Prince Ambharisha: I drown myself in drink lest sorrow takes note of me, Wise One.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let curses lie

Alas! what has the King done.

Vengeance is a long serpent

The young king Veerendra fights a venomous snake.

Snakes and ladders

Princess Tarika and Athmika play the game of snake of ladders very regularly.
Ladders to the throne, snakes to their death.

Ninyasthala- from Ancient Vindara

Scions of the cursed king opens with a narration by Princess Athmika
Like a blushing bride who approaches the nuptial bed on the night of nights, decorated with flowers and covered in glittering jewels, the kingdom rejoices with me. Ninyasthala will have a new king on the morrow, on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima, a consummation long past its time. Veerendra, the king and my sire, had punished the bad and rewarded the good with a just hand, but too long has he served the land.

Sharad Ritu – Autumn

Leaves swirl, dance in the lazy breeze,
Silvery conches float on high,
Paddy fields are blushing brides,
Deflowered by their sickle grooms.

The beetle thrives in the mango seed,
The paramour hides behind lace curtains,
Assassins bide their time but
The maidens feast on, and sing.

The dinner table graciously bears
The generous gifts of the season,
Even beggars and dogs grow fat and lazy,
In a time of peace and plenty.

As the full moon rises on the lake,
He likens the two orbs to her bosom
Which are the only fruits he needs,
Beggar now, but master later.

Silence embraces the palace at last,
Barrels are empty, drunkards are filled,
Nodding sentries lean on spears,
But serpents and thieves know no sleep.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The funeral to the crown prince

Athmika says at the death of the crown Prince Bhuvendra "My beloved brother’s funeral. His passing was the beginning of a series of tragedies and the end of my innocent, charmed life. And it prepared me for what was to come.”

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A beautiful bright day

King Veerendra is joined by his wise minister Gyana Sagara for a hunt.
The colors are indicative of the story happening in the flash back, the mood is set beautifully by our colorist Santosh Pillewar.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A hawk's connection

A hawk skirts over the city of Ninyasthala. This bird of prey happens to be pet of Princess Athmika.Hawk plays an integral role in the story symbolically and physically.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Princess Tarika, who is she?

Tarika, Athmika's sister, who resembles Athmika closely in physical appearance so much, that they are mistaken for twins. She has many secrets, though.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tears of a king

King Veerandra in tears over the death of his favorite son.
Mother fate to set doom to the sons of the king

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Demise of the crown prince

The death of the crown Prince Bhuvendra. Was the death caused by the curse?