Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Varsha Ritu – The Monsoon

Trumpeting elephants charge and roar,
In the darkening fields of the sky,
Their silver tusks flash and light
Both tower and hovel alike.

The crows flee to their nests,
The startled infant howls until
He can silently sip on her nipple,
The shutters rattle; the rain pours.

All work ceases except in the kitchens,
Chess is forgotten and the steaming
Bowls of rice and roasted fowl beckon,
The year’s harvest is promised too.

The lady stares through dripping windows,
Lovers are soldiers somewhere else,
The king from his lonely tower,
Waits for news and the rains to cease.

Peafowls celebrate their mating season,
Bullfrogs sing their usual song,
The serpent seeks protection within,
And careless prey that stray that way.

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